Community Education and Development : Perspectives on Employment, Employability and Development of English-Speaking Black Minority of Quebec
- Bayne, Clarence S (Author)
Community Education and Development : Perspectives on Employment, Employability and Development of English-Speaking Black Minority of Quebec
On December 7, 2018, the Black Community Forum of Montreal held a conference on “Community Education and Development: perspectives on English-Speaking Blacks and Other Minorities”. The IJCDMS Journal has selected a number of the conference papers for publication in its Special Conference Series: “Collaborative Unity and Existential Responsibility.” This article serves as an overview to the conference; and provides a theoretical framework against which the reader can derive a better understanding of those papers. It allows the reader to reflect meaningfully on the optimality of the decision search rules adopted by various cultural subgroups, by comparing them to the behaviors of successful agent types in the computer simulated studies discussed in this paper. The targeted cultural sub-populations are the English-Speaking Blacks in Montreal.
Collaborative Unity and Existential Responsibility
July 19, 2019
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Bayne, Clarence S. Community Education and Development : Perspectives on Employment, Employability and Development of English-Speaking Black Minority of Quebec. Collaborative Unity and Existential Responsibility, 2019.
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