User Journeys of Language Learners Navigating Québec's French Language Training System
User Journeys of Language Learners Navigating Québec's French Language Training System
In recent years, the Québec government has significantly invested in French language training programs to promote greater usage of French in workplaces, schools, and society. Alongside these efforts, public discourse has emerged about the perceptions French-speaking Quebecers hold of English speakers, many of whom believe that English speakers are not committed to learning or using French despite the availability of publicly funded French language training resources. To explore these issues, this study examines the experiences, motivations, and barriers faced by English-speaking individuals in the labour force regarding French language training, particularly following the introduction of new services by Francisation Québec in June 2023. In doing so, we develop a broad typology of different language learners and explore their language-learning journey through interviews regarding their experiences and perceptions of the French language, language training, and navigating Québec’s labour market. We also interview subject matter experts to identify types of language learners and key themes. We then discuss the impact that these different experiences have on language learners’ outcomes, as well as the types of policy and program approaches that could improve their experiences with adult French language training programs.
November, 2024
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Provincial Employment Roundtable (PERT). User Journeys of Language Learners Navigating Québec’s French Language Training System, November 2024.
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Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise (SRQEA)
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Québécois.e.s d'expression anglaise
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Activités :
Assurer la prise en charge des préoccupations des Québécois.e.s d'expression anglaise dans les orientations et les décisions gouvernementales, et ce, en concertation avec les ministères et organismes concernés.
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S. o.