A Shared Future : A Closer Look at Our Official Language Minority Communities

A Shared Future : A Closer Look at Our Official Language Minority Communities
The Government of Canada’s key commitments as set out in Part VII of the Act are the basis of this report on the status of OLMCs. Although the vitality of OLMCs and the promotion of English and French continue to be paramount, the Act now also refers to the economic benefits of bilingualism and the importance of giving everyone in Canada the opportunity to learn a second official language. This report also includes an examination of the problems being experienced by the English-speaking communities of Quebec, whether in terms of the recognition of their rights, their perceived legitimacy as OLMCs, or their growing socio-economic vulnerability. As recent events have shown, the unique position of Quebec’s English-speaking communities within Canada’s linguistic landscape comes with its own set of challenges.
October, 2024
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Canada. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages. A Shared Future : A Closer Look at Our Official Language Minority Communities, October 2024.
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Commissariat aux langues officielles du Canada (CLO)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Les canadiens intéressés par la vitalité des langues officielles au pays

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Activités :
Veiller à la réalisation des grands objectifs de la Loi sur les langues officielles et à assurer le respect des droits linguistiques de la population canadienne; Intervenir auprès des institutions fédérales lorsqu'elles ne respectent pas leurs obligations en matière de langues officielles; Faire la promotion de l'usage et de l'égalité des deux langues officielles, le français et l'anglais, dans la société canadienne, de la vitalité des communautés de langue officielle, et de la conformité de la Loi sur les langues officielles.

Ancien nom:
S. o.