Access to Health and Social Services for Quebec’s English-Speaking Minority Communities: Recent Challenges, Legislative Context, and Research Recommendations
- Shoumarova, Lina (Author)
Access to Health and Social Services for Quebec’s English-Speaking Minority Communities: Recent Challenges, Legislative Context, and Research Recommendations
This brief offers preliminary observations about existing research on access to health and social services for Quebec’s English-speaking official language minority community (OLMC). It identifies research themes and needs.
The brief also makes a recommendation for measures that would strengthen the research ecosystem and thus support work in the field.
As such, this brief addresses Priority G – “the need for research, evidence, and solutions to support health care access in one’s chosen language” – outlined in the preparatory document for the Standing Committee’s study mentioned above.
Montreal, QC
Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN)
November 5, 2024
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Shoumarova, Lina. Access to Health and Social Services for Quebec’s English-Speaking Minority Communities: Recent Challenges, Legislative Context, and Research Recommendations. Montreal, QC: Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN), November 5, 2024.
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Réseau de recherche sur les communautés québécoises d’expression anglaise (QUESCREN)
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